What is IGCC?

What is IGCC?

IGCC(Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle)

An IGCC system is designed to achieve higher efficiency than conventional coal-fired power generation systems through the gasification of coal coupled with a combined cycle (CC) process.

Conventional Coal fired Power Generation  pic_about_coal
<System configuration>
Boiler + Steam turbine
Coal is burned in the boiler. The expansive force of the resulting steam is used to drive the steam turbine, thereby driving the generator directly connected to it.
Combined Cycle (CC) Power Generation  pic_about_cycle
<System configuration>
Boiler + Steam turbine + Gas turbine
Fuel is burned in compressed air to generate combustion gas. The expansive force of the gas is used to drive the gas turbine, thus operating the generator directly connected to it. The high-temperature exhaust gas is supplied to the boiler to generate the steam needed to drive the steam turbine.
IGCC  pic_about_coal-gas
<System configuration>
Boiler + Steam turbine + Gas turbine + Gasifier
Coal is gasified in the gasifier to produce(syn-gas). The syn-gas is led to the gas turbine for burning to drive the gas turbine. The high-temperature exhaust gas is supplied to the boiler to generate the steam needed to drive the steam turbine.